Sunday, December 31, 2006

End of 2006 Wrap-up on FILMS

I can’t believe that 2006 is almost over. What a fast year this has been! For me anyway, with the year starting in pain, then the hip surgery and the recovery and it’s almost 2007. WOW!
It’s also been a bad year for films up until lately when the best of the best is upon us for the Holidays and for Oscar® consideration. Some are already out. Have you seen any of them?
I can’t even pick my ten favorites because I don’t think there were ten. I can post the ten worst here, but who really cares? I do.. I really disliked Mel Gibson’s APOCALYPTO, of the Mayan civilization. I thought it pretentious, phony and told nothing of the incredible Mayan culture – only war and violence. I liked BABEL because it integrated three incidents from three different parts of the world and all involved children with wonderful performances by Brad Pitt and Gael García Bernal.
Another is THE GOOD GERMAN, shot in black and white and taking place in 1945 Germany. Stars George Clooney with Toby Maguire and Cate Blanchett (she’s all over the screens this season). THE QUEEN and DREAMGIRLS were wonderful with great performances. The foreign films that captured my head and heart; Pedro Almadovar’s VOLVER from Spain and LIVES OF OTHERS from Germany (this will have a wide opening in February but just showed for Academy® qualification). THE ITALIAN, about illegal adoption in Russia and, DAYS OF GLORY, where four North African men enlist in the French army in WWII to liberate France from Nazi oppression and French discrimination. This film is instrumental in assisting the French Government to assist African soldiers with back payments of army pensions frozen in the ‘60s after the colonies gained their independence.
Al Gore’s documentary, THE INCONVENIENT TRUTH, about global warming was wonderful and I hope it gets nominated, it deserves to be, and, BOBBY, Emelio Estevez’s star-heavy ensemble drama about the assassination of Robert Kennedy at our Ambassador Hotel..
Some interesting films out early in ’07, MISS POTTER with Renée Zellweger polishing up her British accent again to play Beatrix Potter. The animated feature fable of a satirical “Cinderella” is HAPPILY N’EVER AFTER with the voices of Sigourney Weaver, Sara Michelle Geller and Freddie Prinze Jr. SERAHIM FALLS has Liam Neeson and Pierce Brosnan hiding their Irish accents as former Civil War soldiers holding a grudge in 1868 Nevada. And, BREAKING AND ENTERING starring Jude Law whose London architectural offices are burglarized by a Bosnian boy. In pursuit, he becomes involved with the boy’s Mom (Juliette Binoche). Robin Wright Penn also stars.


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